ViP (Virtual Interactive Preskool) Tutors

Each lesson begins with a “ViP Tutor” inviting children - and parents - to join in a variety of learning activities from A - Z (Adventurous Ant - Zesty Zebra). 42 of the ViP Tutors are cartoon avatars. They teach with song, dance, puzzles, games and other online learning fun. 30 of the ViP Tutors are young, energetic and experienced human teachers. Since language and spelling are much easier to learn when you can “read” the lips and facial expressions of a teacher, our American RICH Learning team will serve as your ViP English Tutors each time you log on. They’ll teach words, letters, numbers, colors, animal names, action verbs, spelling, and conversational English with a perfect Midwestern American accent. Then they’ll add the magic of muscle memory to the learning process through the use of American Sign Language. 

Let’s meet the ViP Tutors of the Preskool of the Performing Arts!

UNIT 1 ViP Tutors: The Adventurous Ant, Brave Bee, Confident Cat, Devoted Dog, Encouraging Emu, Forgiving Fox

UNIT 1 ViP Tutors: The Adventurous Ant, Brave Bee, Confident Cat, Devoted Dog, Encouraging Emu, Forgiving Fox

UNIT 2 ViP Tutors: Gentle Gnu, Honest Hen, Iguana of Integrity, Joyous Jay, Kind Koi, Loving Lion

UNIT 2 ViP Tutors: Gentle Gnu, Honest Hen, Iguana of Integrity, Joyous Jay, Kind Koi, Loving Lion

UNIT 3 ViP Tutors: Mannerly Mole, Neat Newt, Optimistic Owl, Peaceful Pig, Questioning Quail, Respectful Rat

UNIT 3 ViP Tutors: Mannerly Mole, Neat Newt, Optimistic Owl, Peaceful Pig, Questioning Quail, Respectful Rat

UNIT 4 ViP Tutors: Strong Snake, Trustworthy Toad, Understanding Urchin, Virtuous Vulture, Wise Walrus, (e)Excellent X-Ray Tetra Fish

UNIT 4 ViP Tutors: Strong Snake, Trustworthy Toad, Understanding Urchin, Virtuous Vulture, Wise Walrus, (e)Excellent X-Ray Tetra Fish

UNIT 5 ViP  Tutors: Youthful Yak, Zesty Zebra - and for a bonus - the Cheerful Chimp, Philanthropic Pheasant, Sharing Sheep and Thankful Thrush

UNIT 5 ViP Tutors: Youthful Yak, Zesty Zebra - and for a bonus - the Cheerful Chimp, Philanthropic Pheasant, Sharing Sheep and Thankful Thrush

Bonus: Meet Your New Classmates!

Along with the cartoon animal and human ViP Tutors, each week you’ll learn along with the children and staff as you attend classes at the “Preskool Of Performing Arts”. Here’s the cast and crew who will become part of your learning world:

PIP is a shy but imaginative boy who dreams he is a super hero. He also imagines that animals can talk. ANN is fun and smart. She can talk with her hands using ASL! Pip thinks that’s cool! RAJ grew up in the UAE with parents who were diplomats. He s…

PIP is a shy but imaginative boy who dreams he is a super hero. He also imagines that animals can talk. ANN is fun and smart. She can talk with her hands using ASL! Pip thinks that’s cool! RAJ grew up in the UAE with parents who were diplomats. He speaks Hindi, Arabic and Spanish. MAY LEE’s parents teach at the University. Every time Raj starts speaking another language, she teaches the same words in Mandarin, dance and song.

MS. BEASLEY is founder and head mistress at the “Preskool of the Performing Arts”. She is a neuro-education pioneer who believes in adding the “A” (Arts) to STEM. MOSS teaches the S (Science). ELSKER loves the T (Technology). OLU adds the E (Enginee…

MS. BEASLEY is founder and head mistress at the “Preskool of the Performing Arts”. She is a neuro-education pioneer who believes in adding the “A” (Arts) to STEM. MOSS teaches the S (Science). ELSKER loves the T (Technology). OLU adds the E (Engineering). Arthur Murry FINKELSTEIN loves the M (Math) and the other M (Music). Pip’s dad, POP, works for NASA on the Mars project. Late at night he sneaks away to his garage to jam with Olu on old time Rock and Roll. Pip’s MOM is an artist and environmental activist. Raj’s GRANDMA LUPE operates an organic grocery store and boasts the most marvelous garden in the state.

KAT loves sports, coffee and competition. PAT enjoys teasing and sometimes can be a bit of a bully. SHA can’t stop talking. Her brother ALI won’t start talking.

KAT loves sports, coffee and competition. PAT enjoys teasing and sometimes can be a bit of a bully. SHA can’t stop talking. Her brother ALI won’t start talking.

PIP’s best friend is a little dog he calls UMP. This canine companion also dreams of being a super hero with a magic flying carpet! We will learn a little - and maybe a lot - from Ump and all of the ViP Tutors this year at the Preskool of the Perfor…

PIP’s best friend is a little dog he calls UMP. This canine companion also dreams of being a super hero with a magic flying carpet! We will learn a little - and maybe a lot - from Ump and all of the ViP Tutors this year at the Preskool of the Performing Arts!